Adding more code and context to your issues

Tired of meaningless, contextless issues? Us, too. Stepsize allows you to link multiple code snippets, files or folders to any issue, and add other important info like impact and effort. No more vague issues that aren't directly linked to code. Pretty cool, right?

Adding more code 🧑🏾‍💻

To add more code, navigate to the RELEVANT CODE sidebar when setting up your issue. You can either...

  • Add code snippet: Select any code snippet in a git-tracked file

  • Add file or directory: Right click on any file or directory and select: Technical debt > Create an issue

Adding more context

Adding more context helps you and your team easily find, understand and prioritise issues.

  • Add Labels to enable your team to find, filter and sort issues. For example, introduce labels like UX, accessibility or morale.

  • Add Impact. This can integrate with your issue tracker, like Jira or Linear.

  • Add Effort. This can integrate with your issue tracker, like Jira or Linear.

  • Add Attachments.

What next?

One of the best things about Stepsize is you can view issues inline while reading code.

Let's look at how to spot an inline issue annotation.

How to view inline annotations

Last updated